Impending water crisis of India

Live live Live from Bangalore LocalCircles friends. Posh gated villa community in Bangalore has hired security guards to see if people are misusing water. Rs 5,000 fine if found guilty. Limit of 22 liters per villa per day. Few RWA have banned washing of cars, told residents get ready for the worst.

We will soon have a major problem and if its an extra warm summer other cities may also have issues.

India may need a water usage policy and the time to debate and discuss is NOW more  

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Any city which is expanding disproportionately, like roads and infrastructure, water needs also should have been taken into consideration. But no Government in Karnataka has taken this into consideration. In fact, Governments elected in Karnataka have not worked for the welfare of the State except in case of SM Krishna Government. But that is more of a fate than real doing. Secondly when IT became a hit worldwide, many Indians people from other states poured in to Bangalore changing the very fabric of the Bangalore city. There should have some organised plan to induct people from outside. Though Constitution provides this right to the people of the Country, doing such a planned induction will be in the best interest of that city and State and therefore its people. more  
This situation of water availability is a global problem, not just in India. It could be already present, or it will definitely happen in the future if people abuse water usage. Among other solutions, water conservation also must be considered. Best luck. more  
All water bodies are blocked, encouraged by land mafias, with the full support of state machinery. Need of the hour is to create more water bodies. If more dwelling, less water. Desalination plants, cleaning of rivers ftom dumping wastes to be fully stopped. more  
No there is no water shortage. It is appaling that you are suggesting water usage restriction than fixing the problem. You seem to want a dytopian totalarian facist approach that will take away the rights of humans instead of fixing the problem. There are enough rivers in Karnataka there are many issues for this water shortage. 1. The Kauvery Water is being given to Tamil Nadu 2. there are other rivers that have not been utilized. 3. Water Mafia. They create artifical shortage to supply their tankers which are now selling at 1600 rupees. These Water tankers also finish up ground water by pumpingit out into their tankers. So even bore water levels drop further. 4. So many Lakes have been filled by Land Mafia and are still being filled Solutions(IS NOT RESTRICTING WATER USAGE there is NOT WATER SHORTAGE!! Water never evaporates into space. Try to understand this water used flows from the gutters to the sea. There the water evaporats and rains fall. The problem is water management Water used just goes back to the sea. When it falls as rains on use we need to find out to capture it to use it effectively). 1. In a city like Bangalore and any where else. increase amount of lakes. And also make water harvesting ponds and tanks I see Overhead tanks have been built on huge lands that is for security purposes. This land can be dug and huge undergroundwater reservoirs can be built to capture rain water. 2. End water mafia. The govt or SMS should take over water supply. Even Private supply of water for examples some remotes constructions need water before they get muncipal connection BMC should laos provide water to them for a fee. This will en any foul play by Water mafia.Pass a bill to end the Private water supply and then tie up with reputable corporate comapnies like Tata Reliance who supply power to also supply water in PPP model. Local goons who surn these comapnie with the help of politicians will rob the public and they creates these shortages. Big companies like Tata will not do that and we should keep the PPP Model transparent and an eco system where they can't exploit anyone. 3. Promote water preculation holes all over the city and all over the country. Make it mandatory for new construction be it houses or Big apartements commerical complexes even industries to include water harvesting solutions inbuilt into their projects. They can be offered subsidies. For example if a Commercial complex or apartment is going to build 1 or 2 levels of Basement parking they should be made to make 1 or two more levels or even 3 in places like Bangalore that will store water harvested from rains that should be able to meet the requirments of the above building residents atleast for the summer if not the entire year. 5. Planting trees in the city. Breaking up roadside footbaths to plant trees. Forestation in suburban areas in free plots and outskirts on war footting. 6. Encourage citizens living in houses with a yard to remove concrete flooring in the yard and to also dig percolations holes so that ground water is replenishes. The storm drains should also have precolations holes roads nad footpaths should have percolation holes. Storm drain should have so much percolation holes that water should never even reach the outcity it should all get absorbed during monsoon. Industries should be forced to install state of the art recyling(offered subsidies as incentives) of water so that clean water is release this should be released into the storm drains that have percolation holes or create a network of underground drainages that will get it to dry areas to replenish the underground water table. more  
Far from the truth. Rejection of a problem is not a solution. There are water shortages. While filling lakes and rampant construction is part of the problem, that did not start overnight. Also, the Cauvery River has multiple dams on the way in Karnataka so the myth of giving water to Tamil Nadu is absurd. If there were no dams, much more water would naturally flow through as desired by God. The fact is that we are still rain-dependent on water supplies. In Bengaluru, there is too much expansion beyond what the city can take. It was a problem waiting to happen. It needs solutions that may not be palatable. As of now, conservation is needed. Other measures will take several years to see results. more  
Re-cycling of water waste from Bathrooms, toilets etc should be the top priority of the state Govdrnments. more  
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