Important Circle Communication

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I set up a Facebook profile where I can post my pictures, videos and events and I want to add you as a friend so you can see it. First, you need to join Facebook! Once you join, you can also create your own profile. Thanks, Bhagawandas To sign up for Facebook, follow the link below: Already have an account? Add this email address to your account:"> ======================================= This message was sent to If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future or have your email address used for friend suggestions, please follow the link below to unsubscribe."> Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303 more  
In order to reduce AIR POLLUTION and EARN CARBON CREDITS, all the CIVIC Agencies like SDMC etc should be instructed to Collect the tree leaves strewn all over the Colony & Utilize them to SCIENTIFICALLY convert into MANURE, in one corner of the Colony PARK & utilize the MANURE for the Beautification of the park, thereby earn Carbon Credits & US Dollars for the country. Usually these leaves are invariably burnt by the sweepers or Colony residents, inspite of the Supreme Court order against the same. Unless the above solution is promoted by the Civic agencies or GOVT, people would NOT take care of the pollution. Another suggestion - The Sweepers, gardeners, street light repair manpower etc deputed by the Civic Agencies should be made answerable to the respective RWA of the area they are posted in. and the RWA President should be asked to write the ANNUAL CONFIDENTIAL REPORT of such personnel deputed for Civic work for the colony . more  
All government policies and rules till now had empowered bureaucrats or Babus or inspectors at all levels, by giving them discretionary powers. Now Everything should be in BLACK & WHITE, without any discretions. Policies should be such that Every body is inspired and motivated to take the RIGHT WAY, rather than taking the wrong way & the Middle way. It would be a good idea to make the rules simple and implementation transparent so that the common man can follow. Discretion should be vested ONLY with the Highest Authority in the OFFICE. I being involved with the Customs Department see that so Many notifications have been issued giving exemptions etc while actually a STANDARD rate of CUSTOMS Duty should be applicable on ALL THE GOODS being IMPORTED. Also many NOC’s are being required from PHO, BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS, WILDLIFE, WPC , DOT, DRUG CONTROLLER, PLANT QUARANTINE, MINISTRY OF ENVIORNMENT, VAT which are NOT REQUIRED and COMPLICATE MATTERS and INCREASE CORRUPTION more  
Effective steps need to be taken to curb the menace of UNSOLICITED MARKETING CALLS. The last Govt did try some system using TRAI (TELECOM REGULATORY AUTHORITY) but the result was NOT at all Satisfactory. a System should be devised where in the CALLER has to Pay Heavy Penalty SAY Rs. 1000 to the Person who Complaints about any UNSOLICITED call. The redressal of such complaints should be within ONE week. more  
iam very happy to receive the msg & i am interested. But nobody caring for the increase in population & decreasing natural resources On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 8:28 AM, BJP Communication Cell wrote: more  
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