Media-Authorities Collusion

The reports of how republic editor in chief was colluding with BARC CEO to mainpulate his channels TRP rating in exchange for money and getting him access to Govt people and postings is very shameful.

Attached his full chats and and a summary if chats. The members of this circle understand governance and I urge them to discuss this.

Comeon friends this fellow Arnav Goswami had access to national security info. This has to be fixed. more  

View all 16 comments Below 16 comments
Does this mean businessman is criminal and government official is holy more  
Actually our legal system is very weak. First is punishments are very light. Secondly the number of cases pending in various courts are very high, even many old cases are still pending, thirdly filling the vacancies of Judges takes very long time. Thus JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED. more  
We should go back to the olden days of Doordarshan and ban private media houses with their 24X7 brain washing and ruining the society. News are no longer news! The private media houses are creating false narratives - of course for money and not the truth. more  
It's high time that we should pay for independent media. Current media houses are owned by either corporate lobbies or corrupt politicians. more  
It is the effect of Silence in H'ble SC about Carried Business by Media Houses Who since over 2 Decades left away Journalist Concept, IGNORING ISSUES PUNISHABLE UNDER IPC AND OTHER ACTS. Legislatures, Executives cannot Regulate SINCE IT IS H'BLE SUPREME COURT TO Re View Re-visit their earlier Orders of 30 Years AND REGULATE JUSTIFIED CODE. more  
Even the SC is worried about selective leaks
and deep rooted corruption in SC/SC Registry.
The Ex CJI had to order deployment of
senior IPS officers from Delhi Police and CBI
to sit in the SC Registry to control the mess.
The overdose of job security in Govt. institutions
and meagre punishment fir any offence had
emboldened the employees to go in for bigger
killings. There is dire need to cleanse the
rotten system of governance in the country. more  
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