Mr. Narendra Modi alone cannot succeed. We have to go out and help him in his Vision. Read below about Japan.

Japan may have lost their chance at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in the match against Greece last week, but they won hearts all over the world with their incredible gesture after - they stayed back to clean the stadium of all litter as the rest of the crowd filed out.

Wearing raincoats to protect themselves against the drizzle, and armed with garbage bags, the Blue Samurai fans set an example of true sportsmanship and goodwill, despite their loss. Unlike fans in other nations that have been known to resort to vandalism and violence (both in disappointment and exuberance) after a match, the 15,000 Japanese fans present at the Arena Pernambuco, Recife showed off a civic sense embedded deep within their cultural etiquette.

In Japan, it is common practice to clean up after yourself at concerts, sporting events and festivals. At restaurants, diners clean their own tables after a meal. And at public events, people often carry garbage back home to dispose of, instead of littering.

A Japanese football fan was quoted telling the NPR, "We try to do little bit of clean-up to show respect to the host country and just, you know, show off how clean things are in Japan. And we like to make it so here, too."

At the end of the match, the defeated Japanese players formed a line and bowed to their fans, in appreciation of their support.

The photographs went viral on social media, eliciting responses that hailed Japan as a fascinating example of sportsmanship.

The host nation, Brazil, has called this out as a great example for Brazilians.
Pls forward this msg...very inspiring n we Indians need to learn first. more  

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Sir really this is very touching and we didn't know, sir what is sad in India is we have in South India various falls, rivers, so dirty the public have made it, We should at-lest bring very tough fines of Rs.500/- to 1000/- because go in a boat group of students were drinking alcohol, chips and later throw it to the water. In Hogenkal Falls, Barachukki, others the same story. Why not tourists keep with themselves all the waste and alter dispose it at specific place. Also what pained me was people driving to Ooty in the Bandipur and other reserve forests they in bus, own vehicles throw cartoons, bottles, etc. really can we call them humans? more  
sir age is never aproblem yes experience and contrubution to society is problem which every one should contribute without ego ,father will remain father and son will be son. more  
Vedas are the oldest of all religions . Mother of all religions.The active force of the creation and destruction is seen as Lord Shiva in Vedas. The Kailash is the Kingdom of Shiva. This knowledge of is a must for the present generation. Kishenji more  
This goes well with the civic sense initiative we are debating more  
That is truly incredible and all kudos to the massive introspective and disciplined nature the Japanese have. We as Indians do it sometimes in bits and pieces , Juhu beach cleaning by the general public and recently I saw an article of devotees cleaning the banks of Ganga at Varanasi, these are some instances I can remember off hand. Nevertheless, the Japanese act as mentioned in a learning process for us and needs to be imbibed more frequently perhaps. more  
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