New checks to minimize tout misuse

Given many of the inputs in over 10+ discussions on how to reduce ticketing misuse and touting in this circle, we are pleased to share a host of new initiaitives outlined below in this direction.

Railway Ministry introduces new checks on booking of e-ticket/i-ticket through IRCTC website with a view to further prevent possible misuse

Under the new provisions a maximum of 6 tickets can be booked online by an individual user in a month on IRCTC website

This new provision will come into effect w.e.f. 15th February, 2015

The move aims to deter touts and to facilitate genuine users

In order to facilitate genuine users and prevent touting activities, various checks have already been put in place for the booking of e-ticket/i-ticket on IRCTC website including the following existing provision: -

1. Individuals are allowed only 2 tickets per user-ID in a day (for ARP booking) from 08:00 hours to 10.00 hours.
2. Individuals are allowed only 2 tickets per user-ID in a day (for Tatkal booking) from 10:00 hours to 12:00 hours.
3. Quick Book Option is disabled from 08:00 to 12:00 hours
4. All types of ticketing agents (YTSK, RTSA, IRCTC agents etc.) have been debarred from booking tickets during the first thirty minutes of opening of booking i.e. from 08:00 to 08:30 hours for general bookings, and from 10:00 to 10:30 hours and 11:00 to 11:30 hours for Tatkal booking in AC and non-AC classes respectively.
5. Booking is not allowed through e-wallet and cash cards from 08:00 to 12:00 hours.
6. There is only one booking in one user login session except for return/onward journey between 08:00 to 12:00 hours.

To further prevent any possible misuse, Ministry of Railways has now decided that effective from 15th February, 2016, a maximum of 6 tickets can be booked online by an individual user in a month on IRCTC website. This will replace the existing system under which a maximum of 10 tickets can be booked online through IRCTC website in a month by an individual. However, the existing condition will continue wherein these booking will be subject to a limit of booking 2 opening Tatkal tickets in 10:00- 12:00 hours period in a day and 2 opening Advance Reservation Period (ARP) tickets in 08:00-10:00 hours period in a day.

This has been done keeping in view the analysis of usage of quota of 10 tickets which indicated that 90% of users are booking upto 6 tickets in a given month and only 10% are making more than 6 tickets. It is suspected that the 10% users might be involved in touting activities. Therefore to deter such touts and to facilitate genuine users, it has been decided that a maximum of 6 tickets can be booked by an individual user in a month. more  

View all 197 comments Below 197 comments
Railway Ministry should adopt the principle of allowing agents/vendors only limited tickets for should scrap agents/vendors booking system. Only through IRCTC or from the counter. more  
A lot has been done in 20 months. People's Minister Mr.Prabhu will certainly make an altogether different railway in next 20 months. more  
In order to minimize the misuse of ticket booking system, why can't IRCT/Railways insist for AADHAR No. as proof which can be verified for genuineness of the booking person including the age for availing senior citizens quota. Any person booking the ticket should be given his AADHAR No. and he should be a passenger travelling in the train. If he cancels his ticket later, the entire tickets should get cancelled unless a AADHAR number of all the remaining persons are not provided. Ticket booking agents should also provide the AADHAR numbers of all the travelers travelling while booking the tickets. While Government is trying to link everything the AADHAR platform, Railways can also do the same. more  
What happens in case if the person cancels 3 out of 6 tickets? Can he book the remaining 3 tickets again? more  
Rly Minister has done tremendous amount of work in making Rly free of corruption. People must cooperate and extend full cooperation in maintaining Rly neat and clean. Tatkal Reservation has been improved a lot and now almost it has become fool proof. more  
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