Onset of new health conditions since the COVID pandemic began
LocalCircles has been the primary destination for citizens of India to discuss COVID issues and especially health conditions that you or some one in the family/friends close network has experienced.
Some of the serious ones have been heart attack, brain stroke, cancer, alzheimer, dementia, parkinsons, liver cirossis etc. Some of the others have been mental issues, anger issues, brain fog/memory issues, hearing loss, vision issues, sleep issues, joint and bone pain, fatigue, onset of diabetes, onset of blood pressure etc.
If you or someone in the family has faced these conditions or are currently experiencing them do share as much detail as possible.
The objective of this exercise is to understand what everyone is facing and then basis inputs and surveys escalate the same to the Government so if we as a nation should prepare for a long term health pandemic, we do.
We look forward to your inputs!
Post Covid, there are some additional sickness that occurs in the body.
Dec 08
Covid partnership with weak DNA cells of each individual cannot be ignored. It is irrespective of age. Irrespective of the place in society. But more on the exposure. But good prevent measure has helped many
Dec 05
These issues are not necessarily due to Covid, more likely that this spurt is due to the mass rollout of experimental vaccines
Nov 30
The male survivors have most of the above issues for one year atleast and long term effects will be clear by another one year....
Nov 30
Can we please look at all the heart and brain strokes cancers and other conditions people have been having post Covid?
Nov 30