Pakistan lifts moratorium on hanging....When will India?

In the wake of Peshawar terror, Pakistan has lifted moratorium on hangings. Within 48 hours 2 terrorists are hanged. More will be hanged within a week. In India more than 30-40 people convicts are yet to be hanged. Earlier SC was blaming the government for delay in deciding mercy petitions. Now after the new president disposed off all mercy petitions, SC is stalling the hangings. My understanding was that after the final verdict by SC decision on mercy petitions by the president is the last decision. I do not understand why SC is sitting in judgement over presidents decision in rarest of rare cases on which SC had already pronounced its verdict. This type of dilly dallying in the case of death sentences emboldens the terrorists and rapists. They think it is very difficult to catch the. Even if caught, difficult to prove in a court. Even if proved in a lower court difficult to prove in higher courts. Even if proved in SC, difficult to get death sentence which is given only in rarest of rare cases. Now even if death sentence is given by the SC, it will never be carried out. So terrorism and rapes will continue to happen without fear of law. more  

As long as there is no fear of law crimes like murder,rape etc. will continue to happen. more  
Pak's action of swiftly hanging so many death row terrorist-convicts might shock some people. It is better than keeping such people alive. If they are alive, someone will abduct some people, or hijack a plan and demand the release. This has happened to India during VP Singh's time to save Mufti Mohammed's daughter, and second time during NDA1, to save the plane passengers in Kandahar hijack case. India is becoming an effete country, and inviting more trouble than its due share. more  
Truely sir. unless necessary reforms brought-in in E.C., POLICE, FAST-TRACK COURTS categorising different Crimes for diffrrent shrewed punishments, there is no Safety/Security. The situations are already alarming challenging not only the Country but also the Society as already penitrated differences are in rule and patronage in the society with different international touch-up. more  
Death penalty may not be good in the eyes of western countries, but it is required in Asia due to our struggle against the competition for survival. Capital punishment is necessary to keep peace. more  
1. I absolutely agree with the contentions of Mr. Sudheer Kamath. 2. Not only Death Sentence, any Punishments in any types of Cases awarded by the Courts under Securing JUSTICE, shall not be given a chance of Waival or reduction Except the President of India. The present practice of even closing the cases of any type by the Chief Ministers or, Police themselves is also aught to be Stopped and the pertinant laws shall be modified eleminating authority by fixation of authority in the hands of High Courts, Supreme Court and the President of India. 3. If the Supreme Court of India's Verdict in case of release of the assistants of Smuggler Veerappan was diluted by the Executive, the tragidies of Citizens and the grabbing of National Income and Natgural Sources by the Veerappan & Party should have been in continuance still. 4. While the Poor and common People and the Villages entirely neglected in covering the Benefits of the Constitution including the Food, Midical, Education, Drinking Waters like Welfare Benefits to the real and innocent Citizens, and while in deed there is no Justice to the various Laws for un-deviated implimentation, it is really the Situation that the LAWS OF JUSTICE ARE STILL SEARCHING FOR THE RULE OF THE LAWS. more  
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