Payments made to clerks in Govt offices to keep particular channel ON

The payments by TV channels to certain people in whose house the meter is installed doesnt surprise me. More than 3-4 cases have been observed by me where in Govt offices a certain TV channel
Is put (many places India News, India TV, not the most popular ones) and if you ask them to change, the man in charge resists and even if they change temporarily after u leave they are back to that same B grade channel.

If Govt investigates these offices (central and state govt even district offices) they will be able to deduce who is paying who.

The point is these public offices have high foot falls and hence way to get more TRP. more  

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Hi On Oct 9, 2020 22:20, Vishal Khanna wrote: more  
Even otherwise who doesn't know that manipulations and cheatings have almost become order of the day in various fields and it is very difficult for one to identify as where such manipulations not there! more  
It seems the market size of TV Industry is around Rs 80,000/- crores and TRPs being the main driver for advertisers to choose Television Channels, rigging TRP devices is bound to happen. With NO SPECIFIC LAW to punish the panel tampering suspects, it’s no wonder ‘The Nation follows Channels’ make a merry. Further, its strange that the TRP ratings are measured based on mere 45,000 + empanelled households. Is it a fair representation of the country?. It’s apparent that ‘Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) India set up by the I & B Ministry in 2015 to measure television audience in India, was never monitored by it. Will I & B be serious about this TRP Breaking News?????????? more  
SC to review their earlier Directions of 1984 '85 and '94 on Press and Media. It is too late since Politicians cannot Regulate any Reforms on Media and Judiciary more  
Not only Government offices, You will see insipid channels playing at Railway stations, private clinics, hospitals, fast food restaurants, airports and a host of other places. Lot of channels "work hard" to make this happen. After working hard, if they get TRP, why should we get flustered? Content of most News channels on TV is nothing more than a waste of time and proving that the TV is indeed the idiot box. High-handed and iconoclast owners / editors of TV channels flex their muscles and humiliate us. If we are fine to be treated like idiots, why even complain about TV channels? The problem begins with us. more  
Fake news TPR manipulation, cybercell made news etc are a phenomenon after 2014 more  
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