Population Control

Excessive population in our country results in
1. Too many mouths to feed but too less of resources.... Resultant - easy shadow economy
2. Too many people per sq km using too much of resources .. resulting in lack of adequate resources
3. Excessive air, water and soil pollution
4. Easy spread of diseases
5. Easy spread of crime which goes un-checked

A. What is the solution to this problem? Is the solution somewhere else?
B. How do we control the population? So that the population is within a tolerance level.
C. Why are the population control schemes not available or not being popularised? more  

1. Birth rate is to be controlled to 3 mandating under Article 51 A for Prompt implementation of Free and Aided Education, Earning Opportunities in terms of Preamble ; Article 41, 45, 15[4] and 46 read with 47,48 . 2. Population through such Controls is absolutely necessary in terms of Land being Limited and that cannot be increased . 3. Birth-giving beyond 3 making the Parents fail to feed & educate thus increasing dependence on the co-being Tax-payers through Governments. 4. Birth-control is the requisite for a Rule in any Country since the Rule and ruling are to be obliged of Life leading with reasonable Environment and Livelihood Necessities . 5. NGT and GOI need to think promptly and deeply on this prominent issue that becomes absolutely a must in future . Precaution is better than Cure . Already many projects of Human and Civic Requirements are becoming far JUST DUE TO THE HURDLES UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES . Even for interlinking of various Rivers, Streams and Reservoirs and Tanks the NGT IS BECOMING AN OBSTACLE since without water and drainage there cannot be any hygienic living conditions which are narrated in Supreme Court Judgments quoting article 21 & 41 . more  
It is strange that inspite of so many problems due to the excessive population explosion, nothing is being done in the country. The poor are producing more children than they can support or bring up. more  
However, No one is interested in the population control mechanisms because poor people mean cheap and easy votes. Hence one needs to find out solutions. more  
This is what we have to pay for. Our ignorance is DANGEROUS. Kare koi bhare koi. Khaye SARKARI bank babu, bharein ham. Scores of lacs of actual NPAs estimated, to be revealed from time to time and govt banks to be gradually bailed out from PUBLIC MONEY who paid direct and indirect taxes and suffering this Demonetization drive to fill the damage caused by the Bank babus by pro quo lending and NPAs. Mallya being the mask under which all the lakhs of crores of NPAs hidden. His is only 9 thousand crores and his assets much more than that worth from which can be covered. Mallya game a part of this NPA Scam. BANKS ARE NOW CASH STRAPPED & NEED CASH, HENCE THESE TYPE TACTICS AS DFEMONETIZATION. "Poora hisab do" drive.. Mallya took only 9 thousand crores, how about Lacs of crores and hiding it under the Bank babus puppet Mallya, to hide this NPAs scam:- सेवा में, माननीय सम्पादक / ब्यूरो प्रमुख/निदेशक महोदय, दैनिक समाचार पत्र / न्यूज़-चैनल & To All Indian Citizen आदरणीय महोदय, 19 नवम्बर 2016 को समय 12.00 बजे,से जंतर मंतर नई दिल्ली में सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों के ऋण पे निर्णय लेने वाले भ्रष्ट बाबुओं के भ्रष्ट्राचार के खिलाफ एवं अछछे कर्मियों के बचाव हेतु निजीकरण के खिलाफ, एन. पी. ए. करने वाले बैंक में छुपे भ्रष्टों से समस्त भारतीय जनता के जागरण एवं बचाव के लिए धरना प्रदर्शन l कार्यक्रम विवरण आयोजक : आल इन्डिया ह्यूमन राइट्स एसोसिएशन ( एहरा ) दिनांक : 19-11-2016 दिन : शनिवार समय : 12.00 बजे l स्थान : जंतर मंतर नई दिल्ली l आपसे सादर अनुरोध है कि उपरोक्त कार्यक्रम के कवरेज हेतु आप अपने समाचार-पत्र / न्यूज़ चैनल की ओर से अपने सम्मानित छायाकार/ संवाददाता / कैमराटीम/ फोटोग्राफर/ रिपोर्टर को भेजकर कार्यक्रम के उद्देश्य को अपने माध्यम से विश्व की जनता तक पंहुचाने की कृपा करे l सादर, हुसैन अहमद 91- 7071056353 Email: hussainconven@gmail.com www.aihra.org PS Main delegation reaching 20-11-16 more  
I fully 110% agree with Mr.Chitra deep Sengupta The government first priority should be POPULATION CONTROL. Then everything easily possible. TOO MANY MOUTHS TO FEED WITH A CONSTRAINT RESOURCES. THIS IS 110% TRUE LIKE DAY LIGHT. more  
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