The Narendra Modi government on Friday administered the first bitter pill it prescribed with the railways announcing a sharp hike of 14.2% in passenger fares and 6.5% in freight tariffs — the steepest single-shot increases in recent memory and perhaps the highest ever. For commuters of suburban trains, the hike is still sharper — in certain cases the price of season tickets has been doubled.

a big dilemma for the Modi Govt. more  

Raja Sir . I am not for any blame games but the onus i think is to be put on the egos of the state governments with the centre. I had come across an article which says that their are heavy taxes on the fuel by the state government. And if the state supports the Centre and devise a plan for reviewing this we can control the inflation because fuel is the root cause for everything . more  
The railfare hike has been pending for a long time. When people get freebies from their respective state Governments, they should have rejected these freebies. Even rich people misused these freebies. All the financial burden of this comes on the union government. Let us provide subsidy or reduction on health and education. Create jobs in every state and district. This way there is no need for all trains travelling from up, bihar tp mumbai and delhi full. The story is same in tamilnadu where there are no jobs in Madurai or Tirunelveli. So jobless youth travel to chennai by train. Later their families travel. Let us attack the core problem and increase the long term purchasing power of people. more  
Railway Budget should be inclusive for REPLACING : concrete sleepers, iron tracks, signalling system, stone chips replacement, wiring, cabling, etc. .... long list of 100s of items. RUNNING COST : ........... many items EXPANSION COST : ....... many items IMPROVEMENT COST : ... many items Congress and Minority governments had little vision on above and many such issues. Lalu was another maverick in management and governance. But in his period LONG TERM planning was not done. Mamta was another experiment of popular budget to get votes ...... and till date she and Jayalalitha are getting votes. Watch the future of Railways ................. We are paying for the future. more  
I agree with Mr.Raja chandra and we dont blame former rulers simply. Because of, the present of regime has assured to control the prize rise. more  
I humbly disagree on this increase. My father worked for railways and there are many ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness! Lalu became popular with surplus rail budget because he regularized excess loading in each goods wagon by 10% and collected extra revenue! We can think of many such ideas as Indian Railways is the largest in the world! There every rupee counts! more  
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