protectin g the existing temples

Dear Sir,
Congratulations to you and for BJP party.I wish that under your Leadership our India should once again see the " golden age" and your governance will be like "Sri Ramas" governance.
My wish is to create laws in such that Hindu temples/Temples of any community and their properties are protected from "Occupency". .As far as my knowledge is Many of the villages of Andhra Pradesh are having at least one temple which is constructed Pre-independence.Our ancestors are having good practice of giving lands as donation towards maintenance of the temple.The sad thing is that these lands are occupied by various people including people involved in "politics" and some of the temples are even not in a position to do " Nitya -Nivedyam" even inspite of having largest land bank.
One of such temples is "Sri Ramalayam " (and Sree Venugopala swamy temple ") at my village jangareddy gudem. Both these temples are constructed 200+ years back and having approx 500+ acres of land tagged to it,but due to various tresspassers . Even having such huge property the temple has lost his glory as dialy nitya naivedya /puja carried is not up to the mark,and classified as less revenue generating temples as per AP endowments.If govt takes posesion of this land and allocates to unemployed youth who are ready to " cultivate the land" people under lease for pupose of cultivation,it will lead to both economy and temple growth.
As it is our Primary duty to protect our temples and transfer our culture to next generations,i am bringing this point to your notice.
If every temple which is having this kind of properties are restructured that it self creates "good society" and every village becomes one "Ayodhya" ( land ruled by rama).

Plz excuse me if my ppost is purely specific towards Hinduism. more  

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All Temples are to be managed just like the Holy Places of other Religions to honour the Constitutional Provisions please . more  
While i agree to the points, then why only target temples? Other places of religious worship get donations in dollars and dinars, why cant they also be regulated by the Govt? these funds are used (read `misused') for conversions and creating hubs of unlawful activities. Instead let these funds also be used for human good. This is the argument of today's Hindus who believe in the strength of spirituality in our Temples. more  
As rightly said the temples should not be controlled by govt and must be given back to private establishments. more  
let us not discuss about our beliefs.If we are agrieved by Govt.interfearence,injustice by enacting laws like Hindu Endowment and Temples Act aiming on the Hundi collection and temple property etc,we should suggest not to enact such laws or such law should be uniformly applicable to all religions. more  
Temples are originally intended to be the sanctuaries of peace, the embodiment of God. All forms of deities are intended to lead one and all to the almighty, the ultimate truth. Unfortunately today most of the Hindu temples have been turned into business establishments. People are going to temples now mostly for seeking God's help or intervention to fulfill their personal (worldly) desires. Some go due to fear of God to appease Him and to be in good books of God as they believe, by doing so, they could escape repercussions to their own sinful acts of the past. However all people going to the temples in general feel for a while, the touch of God ( in the form of peace) in the sanctum because they do not carry their ill feelings and sinful thoughts into the sanctum. Governments will do good to the people if only they preserve the sanctity and ambiance of the temples by maintaining peace and facilities with the funds voluntarily contributed by devotees instead of luring and fleecing the people with all kinds of pompous, noisy devotional enterprise. All such specially conducted pujas/celebrations in the names of the paid or privileged shall be dispensed with and all devotees treated equally. Funds available to temples must be used to create good facilities for devotees and to create more temples. more  
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