Railways starting weddings on platform

I fail to understand what is going wrong with the Railways. I saw a press article saying Railways will be giving out platforms for weddings.

Can Railways please conduct a poll with citizens before taking such drastic steps. This is absolute non core. Next people will say give it to me for a prayer meeting or a yoga class.

The kind of traffic, safety, theft hazard, dirtiness you have platforms and starting initiatives like this is just wasting public tax money in trial and error.

What started out as looking like railways transformation 18 months back is starting to lose focus in last 6 months.

Please for gods sake focus on safety of passengers when in trains. 11-12 accidents this year alone. I am sure shaadi wallahs can find better venues at schools and colleges. more  

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Why doesn't the railways rent out all the palatial quarters of its officers for marriages, functions etc. Instead of platforms? At least the quarters aren't a public place but private places . more  
For fund generation they can post advertisements on goods train wagons. 4 on each wagon, average 60 wagons a train. Minimum 20,000 goods trains. No Rly. passenger inconvenienced. more  
Crazy is an understatement. Its an insane idea. more  
Wonder who suggested this crazy idea. Urge Railways not to undertake such activities to raise funds. We saw what happened with Shah Rukh Khan's idea of publicity for his movie. more  
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