Rajdhani kind trains originating from other major cities
All the Rajdhani trains are centred around Delhi . Delhi is well connected with rest of the country with those trains. Why not have other major cities like Bangalore , Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai , Hyderabad, Lucknow also be centres of Rajdhani like trains. I am from North India, but work in Bangalore and there are many like us in Bangalore from different parts of the country. I am just picking an example as Bangalore . Why not have Bangalore connect with big cities like Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Ahmedabad etc with Rajdhani like high speed trains originating from Bangalore . There will be high passenger traffic originating from Bangalore on those trains . Same can be true for other big cities also . We need to get out of just connecting Delhi with rest of the country with good quality trains, but have multi city connects with good quality high speed trains . more
Sir, There are many lobbies working against the introduction of more trains in between prominent metros. eg. Cochin to Bangalore, Cochin to Chennai, Bangalore to Hyderabad, Bangalore to Pune.... Mainly luxury bus operators supported by local elected representatives On Friday, 11 July 2014 6:48 PM, Anoop Kishore Bhatnagar wrote: more
The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has transformed rail travel for the common man in India. Its online ticket booking system, launched in August 2002, is a technological bo...
IRCTC’s Market Cap is Around ₹64,000 Crore Takes ₹20/30 Convenience Fee for Booking Cancellation Charges (₹60/Upto 50% of Ticket) Still App Crashes Often, Fai...
Spurred by the meaningful responses from the learned members on the Topic ''Restoration of ravel concessions for seniors'' Some more inputs : The idea of curbing the perks enjoyed by ra...
The withdrawal of senior citizens' travel concessions during the COVID-19 pandemic was a prudent measure at the time. It helped minimize travel and reduce the risk of infection, especially for a vu...
When government has 20 lakh crore to waive off of rich and regularly waiving off billions of loan this question is invalid that why the concession of rich should not be restores. There is no intent...
Before the covid, the senior citizens used to get 40-50% concession in the rail fares. But the railways stopped this concession giving the reason of covid. However even after 4 years of disappearan...
I actually thought it would work the other way — reducing tout activity! This is what happens when we book on the very first day of the 120-day advance booking window: waitlists st...
Whatever railway research say that when 120 days was there for advance booking people didn't cancel the ticket and other people didn't get the chance to travel. First Railways get advance payment...
Rail travel in India, esp during festivals, continues to be painful. The wait is endless, first for tickets, then for trains. Some delayed more than 10 hrs. Fancy VandeBharat 2 hrs late so far! No ...
Message from a friend Trains are late by 8-10 hours. I booked a train to go home for the festival, and the night before, I found out that the train was going to be 8 hours late. So, I c...
By Sneha Goyal
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