RPF Corruption Issues - Addl Inputs

Recently, one of the circle members experienced RPF corruption at Nizamuddin Station. While we couldn't speak to the member to understand the situation in more detail, actions were taken to address the matter with RPF commandment there and if anyone faces RPF corruption, we would like to hear from you.

While we understand that these one offs will not solve structural issues, they will help send the message that the connectivity between Citizens and Railways is now there and there are higher levels of accountability in the system.

At the same time, we have taken your inputs below on RPF Corruption issues to be able to address the problem in a more structured manner. Kindly review the inputs below and if there are other types of RPF corruption you have faced, please share those details.

Typical RPF corruption as reported by citizens

1. They take bribes from illegal vendors
2. They sell railway material to scrap dealers to make money
3. RPF guards take bribes from people to let them inside a railway campuses and workshops
4. Any transport vehicle bringing railway material for delivery has to pay a bribe of Rs. 100 as entry charge
5. Cigarette, Tobacco, Lighter and Match Boxes are openly sold in platform and trains facilitated by RPF corruption
6. RPF personnel take bribes and let passengers board the train without a ticket
7. They ask for bribes from people coming to pick and drop freight material to the stations, to allow them to enter/exit
8. Vendors on the station sell products at high rates and bribe the RPF jawans to ignore any complaints against them
9. Many RPF jawans have been found selling seized liquor
10. They also sometimes take bribes from the unauthorized porters to allow them to work on platforms. more  

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On 31 St march 2016 I traveled by train no 16352 in 3 rd A/C . The TTE ho boarded this train at tiruchy checked the tickets an on finding that 2 ladies were having valid tickets for travel but were not having ID Proof . Hence the TTE enquired one lady if she Was a Christan and took her aside and demanded/took Rs 800/- as bribe for letting her travel. From the second lady who happened to be a Hindu he took RS 900/-as bribe for letting her travel. This needs to be investigated and action taken. more  
Recently on 24 march 2016 I had to travel by train no 16339 in 3 rd A/C . The RPF personnel and the TTE of this coach allowed 22 nos of Heavy CAM of diesel generator/engine to be loaded in the Coach no BE-! . It is not understood how this was allowed to be loaded in passenger coaches when this should have been loaded in break van. more  
Sir, Amused that the railways think that just the RPF commandant can do anything, the collection is shared systematically. Appoint some passengers to check corruption randomly throuh IRCTC website, let them send a mail with proof directly to you more  
It brought to notice specially for C.Rly authorities that trains reaching Manmad junction in mid night, there is too much entrance of hawkers selling with loud noise and the creating the noise to disturb the sleeping passengers. None of RPF on duty is there to forbade to enter the coach in the night but they only allow and take bribe. more  
vacation is going to start and you too can see very easily in LTT and CST station how cooliee and railway police take bribe and give seat to who all taken chalu ticket. more  
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