Serious Malpractices in the purchase of Hydraulic Rescue Devices by Indian Railway in 2017

Railway Administration is toying with the lives of commuters. Recently it has purchased from M/S Holmatro of Netherland Hydraulic Rescue Devices which are used in the Coach cutting Operation for rescuing passengers from trains during an accident. Crores or rupees have been spent by the Rly Admn for purchasing said Rescue Devices. As per the Guidelines laid down by the RDSO of the IR for purchase of the said Rescue Devices, Trials of the said devices on condemned coach have not been conducted by various Zonal Railways as per information obtained by me under the Right To Information Act 2005. Cutting capability of the Rescue Device was tested on a stainless Steel Sheet instead of a Condemned coach. Not testing the said device on a condemned coach can endanger lives of passengers in the event of it's failure to extricate them from coaches in the event of an accident. Since last 50 years officials of the RDSO of IR, COFMOW of the IR & officials of the Railway Board have been committing a systematic loot of the IR's precious public funds by importing useless Hydraulic Rescue Devices. Payment has been made to M/S Holmatro without ascertaining effectiveness of the said device by undertaking coach cutting operation which involves cutting of bars of the 2 windows, pillar between 2 windows, cutting the coach from the floor level to the ceiling so as to create an opening of 1300mmx1100mm for rescuing the passengers. In a Railway accident to the suburban train on 22nd October 2009 near Thane Rly Stn of CR Mumbai Divn Motor Man of the said train lost his life as the Rescue Device available with the CR failed to cut his cabin to rescue him. It is high time that public became aware of the loot of public funds by a section of IR officials in the purchase of the Hydraulic Rescue Devices & other items. From Ramchandra Karve Landline NO 25329850 more  

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It is not surprising and new for our country. If a news item, published few days back, is correct, shoes for our armed forces were purchased for Rs.25,000.00 per pair from some company of Israel. The said company was purchasing these shoes from Jaipur and supplying to our government. When Mr.Prikar was our defence minister, he inquired with the Jaipur company as to why they are not supplying directly to our government, he was told that they were facing many problems particularly for collecting payment from the concerned department. He immediately made some arrangements so that they could get the payment in time and the said company started supplying the same shoes at the price of Rs.2,500.00 per pair. more  
This is a serious lapse which calls for a clarification from the Railway Minister himself followed by a detailed enquiry of the deal and lapses, if any. The delinquents in purchasing the high cost equipment without a mock test to ensure their capability must be taken into task and be awarded with stringent punishment for defalcation of public money. more  
Sir, It may be interesting to read the purchase order of Railways to concerned Company to find out what checks and balances are incorporated, if any, in the said purchase order. RYK. more  
It is very unfortunate to note that loot of public funds by a section of IR officials in the purchase of the Hydraulic Rescue Devices & other items. Let the Ministry, stop these. more  
Thanks for sharing this information. Now it has to be sent to Railway Ministry for enquiry. more  
nothing to forward to any body, when it happens it happens with every bodys knolwledge may b one or two exceptional cases more  
Results of such enquiry (if conducted) should be made public. more  
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