Some State Governments are permitting theaters and multiplexes to operate at full capacity instead of the 50% capacity permitted earlier to maintain social distancing. Would you like your state to permit theaters and multiplexes at full capacity?


A good Majority of 72% have opined not to increase capacity to full in theatres.Theatres.

Only 5% were bold enough to say Yes.

22% have said they dont watch movies -SO IT SOUNDED IT IS NOT THEIR CONCERN.

This shows that the vast majority are aware of the Pandemic and the seriousness and best is to be cautious for some more time.

* The Multiplexes have opened up with 50% capacity just now. So the capacity should be gradually increased 60,70 and so on in a span of time keeping a watch on the infectivity Rate.. Not jump to 100% as of now. THAT WILL EXPOSE THE POPULATION TO VERY HEAVY VIRAL LOAD-leading to sudden spurt and NEGATING ALL THE GOOD EFFORTS ADOPTED SO FAR.

* The Cine goers should also be caitious about the sanitization and Protocol Observances supervised by the Theatre.Mere washing hands and taking Temperatre isn't sufficient to detect Covid 19 free cine goer to enter the enclosed hall. A mere cough by an inffected person without fever is enough to to infect several around ; and it doesnt stop there.


View all 21 comments Below 21 comments
Transportation is very essential not theatres!! more  
The pandemic situation having reduced substantially, let the normal life be brought to normalcy with due caution. more  
Good news. Central govt, I UNDERSTAND from a video, has written to chief secretary to reverse the order. If true, this is real good news. Being alive is more important than tax collection for concerned govt, or enjoyment for that movie goer. more  
BUSES AND TAINS RUNNING FULL IS DIFFERENT .THEY ARE NOT COMPLETELYENCLOSED PLACES AS THEATRES . IN THEATRES WITH FULL CAPACITY THERE WILL BE MORE CHANCES OF TRANSFER OF AEROSOLES WITHIN. THIS WILL INCREASE THE VIRAL LOAD ON THE PEOPLE TO GET INFECTED IMMEDIATELY. So what we say is that let the theatres run dont jump from 50% occupancy to 100 % . Increse the occupancy slowly over a period of time. All the good work done by the health workers shouldnt go waste. more  
Why hurrying up to open theatres with full capacity or 50%capacity. The checking of feverandd sanitization will not help. When schools are not allowed why theaters? Are we inviting more trouble and problems? more  
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