Tatkal booking does not work correctly!

The Tatkal booking starts at 10 am sharp and within 5 mins all tickets are booked. How is this possible? I tried to book a 3 AC berth that was available in large numbers, however, upon booking within 5 mins, I ended up getting WL 45 in Tatakal. Not sure how the booking in Indian Railways is handled. Even for booking in advance, tickets are not available in the General quota. I rarely get the choice of seat or berth that I am looking for. How can the common man travel especially in an emergency? Air tickets are too expensive and always full, and travel by road for long distances is not possible and very costly. Please advice. Thanks. more  

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If You see the Rly PRS & Personal Terminals It will be huge. In your area it may be more than 100 No's. The Train is carrying 3 AC coach 3-- or 4 & second A/c coaches 1- or 2 only. In this coaches only 30- 40 seats are meant for Tatkal. In Particularly rush time It will get exhausted within a few seconds if all terminals start at that time. If You are fast in computer Operation then it might get success. elsewise thinking of few seconds will cause your seat get lost. more  
Also, since there is no REFUND in tatkal cancellation, those passengers who have booked the ticket in Tatkal do not bother to cancel the ticket when their travel plan is changed due to personal reasons. In many occasions, the passengers are very sure that they are not going to travel but they do not take any effort to cancel their ticket because there is NO REFUND. Passengers think that why to waste time in cancelling the ticket when they do not get refund. It is not affecting them. But it does not help others. THIS CAUSES TWO PROBLEMS: 1. The other persons in the waiting list do not get chance to get confirmation 2. It helps the Train Ticket Examiners to misuse this unoccupied seat of the Tatkal ticket who has not cancelled. SUGGESTION: 1. At least 10% refund (Minimum) can be given to the passenger who cancels tatkal tickets 2. Railway should not only concentrate on how to make money but also, in the process of making money, facilitate the passengers. 3. Railway facilities are not to make money but facilitate the citizens. It is understood that Railway Dept. need not run on the loss. But from Tatkal ticket good amount of money is generated. In some trains, around 5 bogies are reserved for Tatkal. It is daytime government robbery. Indian Government! Please have mercy on the people. Generate money for running the government but not through causing agony to the citizen. We are not able to speak many times. 4. Rail facility is mainly used by poor, lower middle class and Middle-class people. Not by the rich people. more  
Why a minimum of ten percent? A clerical cost of 10 to 20 RS can be deduced and rest is to be refunded. After all that seat is not going to be a vacant as already waiting list is there. Unnessasarily charging 149 RS as clerical charge is cheating. What is the justification for 140 RS as clerical charge? more  
IRCTC and Railway Ministry should address the complaints by the genuine customers and stop the underhand dealing. more  
Hari Om Tat Sat! It is well known that there's some Nexus exists! Only alternate is, 1)Railways have to upgrade the entire track network & increase the speed of the trains in turn reduce time.2) All routes Must be Doubled at the earliest.This will reduce the amount of time & help to increase no of trains in turn will increase the number of seats.3) make separate corridor for Goods trains so that there will not be hindrance to the Passenger trains running. This also means fast delivery of the Goods to destination. Ofcourse this NEEDS huge amount of money. 4months advance booking fetches lot of Interest income to Railways which should be ploughed back for this purpose! All projects Must be completed in time which helps in saving expenses &to increase the convenience to people. Jai Gurudev! more  
In my opinion Tatkal Wait Listing should be abolished right now and if any person falls in waitlist he/she should be repaid his money immediately so that he can opt for any other source of travel. Blocking his money for 4 days or so is incorrect. Railways should make changes in software to make it sure that any person paying for ticket and his ticket is falling under waiting list catagory should not be charged at all and accordingly informed with immediate refund. more  
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