Things we need to address

Wish you all a happy independece day. I agree with Rajesh Suri ji. This circle and many others that I am part of like Railways, Health, Corruption etc are making good impact. It was finally good to see PM talk about corruption at length today. Kudos to all members. In our country, to do anything it takes time but if one persists and keeps doing and following up it happens. I hope local governance on all fronts also changes in Faridabad. Here are some things that India needs to rid of: (From a long list a friend sent to me this morning) Hope you all agree with atleast some.

Section 377: How you choose to love is no one’s business. Especially not the government’s. Upholding archaic laws that promote Victorian Morality is not a part of our culture. Wake up dear government.

Female foeticide: We wish, as women we had the freedom to be born and the freedom to live. Its about time the government and people of this nation understood that a girl child is as much or even more of an asset to India, as men.

Lack of proper healthcare: Inability of thousands of Indians to find and access proper healthcare is an issue that needs to be fixed. While creating more accessible education to create doctors who can tend to the ailing, we also need to change the way we think and set out to help those in remote areas who need this kind of attention the most.

Littering: While the Swach Bharat Abhiyan was started amidst a lot of fan fare, it doesn’t seem to have caught on. Littering needs to stop. We need the freedom to live in a healthy and clean world.

Spitting: If you do chew pan then spitting in any place you feel like is not your right it is a privilege you are taking. Learning to spit in dustbins is essential for all of us to live in a healthier world. Incidentally, spitting can lead to a number of ailments, including TB – one of India’s most dreaded disease.

Education: Poverty and the lack of access to quality education is definitely a hurdle that needs to be put behind us. Better education leads to better growth in the country.

Interference in what we watch: The recent porn ban brought to light the apathy of the government and the level that it willing to go to tourniquet our freedom to choose. While I believe that we are all adults and should have the freedom to choose, the porn ban showed is exactly what the government thinks we have the right to do.

Radhe Maa and other godwomen/men: We as Indian’s need freedom from all these Radhe Ma’esq godmen and women. Not only do they mislead and misguide people desperate for a solution, but they also take away their freedom to think freely. We all need freedom to live without blind belief.

Quacks: So called doctors without a degree performing surgeries, opening nursing homes and medical stores – need to be stopped. We need the freedom to have faith in the medical profession and its sanctity.

Reservations: All the reservations that are applicable right from when you book a train ticket to when you look for admission in school for your toddler need to be done away with. A free and equal India is what we need to grow.

Corruption: Bribery, making substandard materials for the government, scams – all need to stop now! Making life easy for the common man is the only way we can survive.

Littering in the name of God: We as humans have a beautiful world to live on, but throwing flowers, dead bodies, and other things into our rivers, seas and ponds is no way to please God. We need the freedom to live in a cleaner and more ecologically healthy world.

Use of plastics: Plastic is terrible for your health and for the environment. We need to be free of this menace.

Noise pollution: Crackers, constant honking and random processions need to stop. Not only will he help you stay healthy, it will also be the best thing for the environment.

Moral policing: This practice has to stop. A society should have some rules but what may be immoral to you may not be for the others. Give up judgement, live and let live.

Racism and castism: What religion, race or sect you belong to should not make any difference in what you do, where you go or what you choose to learn.

Adulterated foods: being able to buy healthy and safe food is something we all need. Adulteration just to earn a quick buck is something we need to stop.

Domestic violence: Just because she married you, she does not become your property. She is not your punching bag and she cannot be ill treated.

Service taxes: Spending your hard earned money enjoying a meal at a restaurant should not be taxed. We need the freedom to enjoy a hearty meal without service tax. And the freedom to tip as per the service rendered.

Peeing in public: If you want to relieve yourself when you are outside your home, find a toilet and do so. Public walls and nullahs are not your personal toilets. We need the freedom to live in a cleaner nation.

Road safety: Wearing a helmet, driving while sober, following traffic rules, stopping at red lights are all essentials of living in a safer country. Let’s start implementing and respecting these laws.

Open defecation: There are many for whom a toilet in the house is a luxury, but open defecation has to stop. We need the freedom to live in a cleaner and safer world.

Eve teasing: Women need to have the freedom to walk on the streets without being teased or groped. Should we be able to roam free just like the men in our country can?

Rapes: It is not a woman’s fault, it is not the clothes she wears nor the way she walks. Not how old she is or the fact that she looked at a man. Rapes are a show of power. We, as women need the freedom to live in a safer country, where men are friends, brothers and husbands not rapists.

Junk food: Not only is this kind of food addictive it is also terrible for your health. It’s about time we banned junk food.

Marital rape: Still legal in India, this has to stop. Now!

Sexual harassment: While the law states that it is the man who has to prove himself innocent, it is usually the woman who is put under trial. This needs to change.

Child abuse: Enough said, not enough done. People and governments must wake up to this reality and teach our kids to recognise good and bad when it comes to people.

Khap panchayat: Elders living in an era when things were a lot more different, meting out punishments that do not match the crime and being treated as God, needs to stop.

Honour killing: Racism, castism, marriage and love are all different entities. Using them in conjunction and killing young people just because your Izzat is harmed must be stopped.

Gender inequality: Unequal wages and promotions for women and men must change. Women must be recognised as a force to reckon with.

Stereotypes: The way he walks, the way she dresses, his accent, her habits – do not indicate who the person is, what he/she likes or dislikes and how they live their lives. Stereotypes must stop.

Prolonging court cases: Legal battles that go on for years, victims asked to narrate their story umpteen times in packed court rooms, criminals let go scot free, corrupt lawyers, judges who pass judgements because they know someone in the criminal’s family. Needs to stop. Needs to change. Now.

Low pay for teachers: Some the most hardworking people in this nation get paid the least. They made you and are now making your child into the leader he/she will be. They why not pay them a lot more for shaping the countries future?

Illiterate leaders: Criminals, people who have barely been to kindergarten and those who cannot even sign their name (in any language) are our leaders. These are the people who we hope will take us into the future. Its time we chose wisely.

Donations for education in medical fields: We, as a nation need doctors who can heal us. Not those who pay their way through college.

Politicians talking about women and rape: When you are a man who has no idea about what rape does to a woman – emotionally. You have no right to voice an opinion.

Pardoning Salman Khan’s jail sentences: He may be a star, his case may have been in the lime light due to his status. But killing someone should not go unpunished. Rash and negligent driving is not forgivable – no matter what your stature.

Black money: Huge amounts of wealth amassed and stored by people while the other half of society cannot afford a roof over their head and three full meals. Time we did away with this.

Criminalising of victims: A rape victim, victim of a violent crime should not be asked to relive her/his ordeal in court or anywhere else. They need love, care and support, not to be treated like they are the ones at fault.

Misuse of domestic violence laws: Yes they were made to protect women, but today these laws are being misused to target innocent men too. This has to stop. Ladies, let’s be a little more prudent with the few laws made to protect us.

Proper care for victims of violent sexual crimes: Being cautious and warm to a girl or woman who has been through a violent sexual crime is something we all need to teach our medical practitioners. Doing away with the rude behaviour, judgement and blame game is a part of caring for the injured. Apart from that the two finger also needs to stop being performed. Though already banned it is a very common practice in such cases.

Emergency medical assistance: Letting an ambulance pass by, emergency facilities and phone numbers that actually work and can help a person in need is definitely the need of the hour. We need freedom from the lack of proper medical care. more  

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Section 377: How you choose to love is no one’s business. Especially not the government’s. Upholding archaic laws that promote Victorian Morality is not a part of our culture. Wake up dear government. Octogenarians deciding morality. Especially POLITICAL octogenarians. Clean up corruption and then talk about anything else, especially stay away from anti Constitutional views. Female foeticide: We wish, as women we had the freedom to be born and the freedom to live. Its about time the government and people of this nation understood that a girl child is as much or even more of an asset to India, as men. To be fair, the government does make a nod in this direction. Lots of posters etc. But female infanticide is more about dowry than gender. Until parents demand money for their daughters, this will continue. Littering: While the Swach Bharat Abhiyan was started amidst a lot of fan fare, it doesn’t seem to have caught on. Littering needs to stop. We need the freedom to live in a healthy and clean world. Impose fines on littering. More garbage bins. Small eateries serve snacks on disposable plates which their patrons throw anywhere. They must have large bins and get fined for any litter in a radius of 25 feet around the shop. Spitting: If you do chew pan then spitting in any place you feel like is not your right it is a privilege you are taking. Learning to spit in dustbins is essential for all of us to live in a healthier world. Incidentally, spitting can lead to a number of ailments, including TB – one of India’s most dreaded disease. If you can ban public smoking, why not public pan eating? It is equally injurious to health. Interference in what we watch: The recent porn ban brought to light the apathy of the government and the level that it willing to go to tourniquet our freedom to choose. While I believe that we are all adults and should have the freedom to choose, the porn ban showed is exactly what the government thinks we have the right to do. This from people who say "Boys will be boys. Girls should not tempt them by their dress and also by being alone on the road." ???? And especially the moron who said that gang rape is not possible and girls try to take revenge on people by saying 4 of them raped her. Radhe Maa and other godwomen/men: We as Indian’s need freedom from all these Radhe Ma’esq godmen and women. Not only do they mislead and misguide people desperate for a solution, but they also take away their freedom to think freely. We all need freedom to live without blind belief. This is the personal choice that we are trying to save. We have no right to tell anyone what they can believe. Quacks: So called doctors without a degree performing surgeries, opening nursing homes and medical stores – need to be stopped. We need the freedom to have faith in the medical profession and its sanctity. A law exists against such doctors. But opening hospitals/nursing homes/ chemist shops cannot be banned. This is a legitimate investment as long as the owners don't practice or prescribe medicine, unless they are qualified to do so. Reservations: All the reservations that are applicable right from when you book a train ticket to when you look for admission in school for your toddler need to be done away with. A free and equal India is what we need to grow. Use of plastics: Plastic is terrible for your health and for the environment. We need to be free of this menace. There is a ban in place on plastic carrier bags from shops. The law exists in Delhi and for a few weeks was followed. But without follow ups, checks and fines, everybody is back to plastic. In older days, we took baskets with us. Why can we not do that now? Domestic violence: Just because she married you, she does not become your property. She is not your punching bag and she cannot be ill treated. Yay!!!! Women have rolling pins. They should hit back!! Service taxes: Spending your hard earned money enjoying a meal at a restaurant should not be taxed. We need the freedom to enjoy a hearty meal without service tax. And the freedom to tip as per the service rendered. Service tax goes to Govt. Service charge is supposed to go employees. Peeing in public: If you want to relieve yourself when you are outside your home, find a toilet and do so. Public walls and nullahs are not your personal toilets. We need the freedom to live in a cleaner nation. Why is it that only men can't hold their water? Ever seen a woman do that? Electric wires on all street facing walls. They will get such a shock, they will never pee again! ANYWHERE!!!!! Road safety: Wearing a helmet, driving while sober, following traffic rules, stopping at red lights are all essentials of living in a safer country. Let’s start implementing and respecting these laws. Open defecation: There are many for whom a toilet in the house is a luxury, but open defecation has to stop. We need the freedom to live in a cleaner and safer world. Eve teasing: Women need to have the freedom to walk on the streets without being teased or groped. Should we be able to roam free just like the men in our country can? Give it back to them! We should get girls to whistle at and harass guys? See how they like it!! Or every girl carries a stout stick or umbrella and beat up the guys in public. Rapes: It is not a woman’s fault, it is not the clothes she wears nor the way she walks. Not how old she is or the fact that she looked at a man. Rapes are a show of power. We, as women need the freedom to live in a safer country, where men are friends, brothers and husbands not rapists. Junk food: Not only is this kind of food addictive it is also terrible for your health. It’s about time we banned junk food. Marital rape: Still legal in India, this has to stop. Now! Sexual harassment: While the law states that it is the man who has to prove himself innocent, it is usually the woman who is put under trial. This needs to change. Child abuse: Enough said, not enough done. People and governments must wake up to this reality and teach our kids to recognise good and bad when it comes to people. Khap panchayat: Elders living in an era when things were a lot more different, meting out punishments that do not match the crime and being treated as God, needs to stop. Honour killing: Racism, castism, marriage and love are all different entities. Using them in conjunction and killing young people just because your Izzat is harmed must be stopped. Gender inequality: Unequal wages and promotions for women and men must change. Women must be recognised as a force to reckon with. Stereotypes: The way he walks, the way she dresses, his accent, her habits – do not indicate who the person is, what he/she likes or dislikes and how they live their lives. Stereotypes must stop. Prolonging court cases: Legal battles that go on for years, victims asked to narrate their story umpteen times in packed court rooms, criminals let go scot free, corrupt lawyers, judges who pass judgements because they know someone in the criminal’s family. Needs to stop. Needs to change. Now. Low pay for teachers: Some the most hardworking people in this nation get paid the least. They made you and are now making your child into the leader he/she will be. They why not pay them a lot more for shaping the countries future? Illiterate leaders: Criminals, people who have barely been to kindergarten and those who cannot even sign their name (in any language) are our leaders. These are the people who we hope will take us into the future. Its time we chose wisely. Donations for education in medical fields: We, as a nation need doctors who can heal us. Not those who pay their way through college. Politicians talking about women and rape: When you are a man who has no idea about what rape does to a woman – emotionally. You have no right to voice an opinion. Pardoning Salman Khan’s jail sentences: He may be a star, his case may have been in the lime light due to his status. But killing someone should not go unpunished. Rash and negligent driving is not forgivable – no matter what your stature. Black money: Huge amounts of wealth amassed and stored by people while the other half of society cannot afford a roof over their head and three full meals. Time we did away with this. Criminalising of victims: A rape victim, victim of a violent crime should not be asked to relive her/his ordeal in court or anywhere else. They need love, care and support, not to be treated like they are the ones at fault. Misuse of domestic violence laws: Yes they were made to protect women, but today these laws are being misused to target innocent men too. This has to stop. Ladies, let’s be a little more prudent with the few laws made to protect us. Proper care for victims of violent sexual crimes: Being cautious and warm to a girl or woman who has been through a violent sexual crime is something we all need to teach our medical practitioners. Doing away with the rude behaviour, judgement and blame game is a part of caring for the injured. Apart from that the two finger also needs to stop being performed. Though already banned it is a very common practice in such cases. Emergency medical assistance: Letting an ambulance pass by, emergency facilities and phone numbers that actually work and can help a person in need is definitely the need of the hour. We need freedom from the lack of proper medical care. more  
1. Railway is best mode of tranpsort for poor and middle class people of India. 2. Mail trains are too important to reach to their native place to work place during holidays. 3. People expect cleanliness of compartments, toilets , outside bogies, clean stations, clean and tasty food at reasonable prices. 4. The toilets are still filthy, bad odour and stinky. It needs immediate attention. The white coloured stains are still appearing on the passage way of toilet seats which is alarming. The diseases can be spread due to the unhygenic toilet seat passage ways. At times, we are experiencing bad powerful odour with burning sensation to eyes. 5. Recently some private housekeeping contractors are found in the train. Inspite of repeated requests to them, the toilets are still the same. 6. The outside bogies are filthy and dirty and it gives bad impression to foreign tourists. 7. Rats, bugs, cocroaches are roaming around. 8 Stations railway tracks should be concreted or steel plating can be done in order to clean the toilet wastes from the tracks while the train is stationery at a station. 9. Many stations are with bad odour and so filthy due to deposits of toilet wastes. 10. There should be proper drainage system from the tracks to reach the STP plant at stations or connect to municipality drainage. 11. I understand that new toilet system has been developed that the waste will remain in the underneath tank of the bogie and will be discharge when it reaches to a forest area or river. It should not be discharged in the forest area or river instead make provisions in the Main junctions and the housekeeping staff should get the wastes discharged to the drainage at Tracks. The drainage should be sophisticated modern one that it reaches fast in the WST plant at the station area. The engineers can help in this task. 12. Present new system is not upto the satisfaction as many drunkers and illiterate people are throwing bottles and wastes in the toilet which blocks the passage ways. 13. Keep Proper Garbage collectors ( dust bins) of bigger size in the trains that each compartment should have two each. FOOD SERVING: Pantry to be remodelled and look like a restaurant with clean and tidy area. Proper ventilation or chimneys to be installed. Food quality at present is too bad in quality and quantity but high in prices. Even, outside restaurant prices are the same with Railway. The Idly and medu wadas were too hard . Sambar not tasty. The preparation is not upto the mark and standard. Chutney is spoiled sometimes. The chutney should not be kept more than 2 hours. Make new preparation every 2 hours. The lunch is very bad . The same tiffin sambar is served. The lunch sambar should taste different from the tiffin one. curry quantity is less. Quality is not upto the mark. South Indian cook for trains leading to south and west side and north indian leading to north and east side should be strictly adhere to. BJP AND MODI GOVT.' CONCENTRATION AND ATTENTION: 1. Avoid wasting time on Beef ban, Babri Masjid, Hindu fanatism and uttering on Religious topics, shut the mouth of politicians and hindu religious leaders and RSS leaders for time being. This is most important to stop at this moment of time. 2. Frankly speaking, all developmental programmes are on but it is not effective within the mass of people. 3. Beef ban is unwanted controversy and it is not acceptable to the public. Because all walks of life people are living in India. Even Hindu's main fasting and other celebrations of Rama, Krishna, Shiva and Hanuman, nobody is bothered to stop supplying non-veg but for a small section of Jains, politically motivated ban is not acceptable to the public. This has made BLACK DOT to BJP's feather. 4. Concentrate on Medical Insurance for all poor and middle class, Price control, pass on fuel price cut benefit to people instead of helping the Industries to grow. 5. The fuel price cut is not reached to the mass. Still petrol price is higher and not accordingly reduced as per the fuel price existing. 6. The BJP Govt and Modi should immediate give attention to poor and middle class. Soaring price of essential commodities and vegetables and fruits should be controlled. Also make available the Rice and wheat at lowest price in the market. Govt keeping mum on this and doing nothing in this matter. It is noted by the public who are voted to power. Sometimes, feel that mere promising is not going to help. This is the grey area that immediate necessary strict action to be taken by the Govt. 7. Farmers problems in Maharashtra to be given priority by helping them to supply essential commodities for their survival till the situation improves. Give free electricity and water facility , pumps , tractors and other machines. spend more time for this. appoint special big team consisting of hundreds of like minded people to find the really suffering farmers and reach the benefit to them. 8. Industries, developments should followed by attending the above apathies. 7. Even, Maharashtra Govt. is doing nothing as of now. more  
Dr.V.J. Philip grom Kerala: Apparently, your friend lists all the evils in society, east & west, in his long list to be eradicated. No sensible person can target them in a life time or during several life spans and hence putting this up for comments is ? more  
The first and fore most thing is to implement the earlier decision of the present government .i.e. banning of Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000 currency notes. It is not understood under what kind of 'duress' that announced decision is diluted, subsequently. more  
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