Traffic Law Enforcement

This one of the most important area where we need drastic and urgent improvement, the number of vehicles are increasing, but available infra is not enough to take load of these fastest growing cities traffic. traffic police do not have resources, they present traffic department is more interested in getting its monthly share. All know if you are caught a note of 50-500 will work more.

Automation of traffic lights with real time traffic density monitoring, plus automated red light violation system, speeding can bring in much needed reduction in accidents and self discipline in people, once driver break rule and gets its penalty challan to his home with stiffer penalty for repeated offence can change the way people drive, this will bring down accidents & rash driving under control.

A team of experts can be created to systematic implementation of traffic law enforcement at tier 1 & 2 and Metros more  

People driving vehicles have to develop a sense of self discipline. Educated youngsters, and why even Policemen, violate one-way road restrictions with complete impunity, often creating situations resulting in avoidable accidents. There is no consideration shown to senior citizens waiting to cross roads, by the two wheeler drivers and also the 4 wheeler drivers. Road humps/speed breakers are often erected in a most unscientific manner in a most inappropriate place and these do not regulate speed but only result in serious accidents especially in the case of unwary two wheeler drivers. All Policemen are NOT corrupt. Many are discouraged to take action, as invariably there is political interference and the policeman who initiates action loses face. People should first learn to observe laws as a matter of National duty. Until this happens, nothing can help. more  
Please join will be discussing this aspect in more details _ more  
The funny thing happening is, they know how to toll away vehicles, but they dont ensure to make parking lots so one can park their vehicle safely. only thing learned by them is to how and when and through what means they can collect money rather than bringing in to a solution how the same can be organized. more  
Agree with you on the increase in the number of Vehicles. The government is getting so much revenue from vehicle registration, road tax, etc but the government is not spending that money effectively. Most of the money is wasted in paying the salaries of the Corrupt Traffic Department. more  
Something from my side... 1. Need to make a proper database of the licensed issued with the proper address. If some one is changing his/her address then he has to inform to the related IRTO as soon as possible. In this way IRTO can track them in case of any violation. 2. Need to implement the hard rules for the traffic violation and most importantly need to implement them strictly. People must fell that there is something hard if i will breach the rules. 3. Need to make sure that CCTVs are working properly and someone is monitoring them, if we want to catch the defaulters. more  
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