TTE Corruption - Addl Inputs Sought

Below are the key solutions and issues as identified by you for TTE Corruption and Discretion. Kindly review them and if you have any additional specific solutions inputs, please share with us as a comment.

We will be compiling the whitepaper shortly for submission to Hon'ble Railway Minister and Leadership team.

TTE Corruption and Discretion - Key Solutions

1. Authority of distributing the vacant seats must be removed from TTE and their responsibility should be only ensuring the verification of proper tickets.
2. TTE's should be given a GPRS machine instead of coupon booklet to avoid non-reporting of collected fine.
3. Vacant seats must be reported at every station via GPRS system by TTE which will be monitored at a centrally located BPO.
4. These seats should be made available online and automatically allocated to RAC/waitlist passengers in the train or to the passenger boarding on the next station
5. Electronic passenger feedback via mobile/internet on each TTE should be sought for their interaction/hospitality with their increment/promotion significantly linked to passenger feedback
6. RAC allotment to be made online after chart preparation
7. Strict & quick punishment should be given to TTEs indulging in corrupt practices
8. Increase the number of vigilance officers and inspectors
9. Set up a HOTLINE for reporting cases with independent anti-corruption wing for follow up action
10. Attitude training for staff including moral issues
11. Honest and sincere TTEs should be awarded with incentives
12. Current booking tickets obtained minutes before departure should also be issued with seat/berth numbers
13. Actual position of berth availability should be displayed at all stations on real time basis for all trains so that the real status is known
14. Cameras should be installed in trains
15. Cancellations should not be allowed after 6 hours before the departure time so that the cancelled berths and seats can automatically be allotted to RAC & Waitlisted passengers
16. TTEs should be trained in customer service
17. A railway mobile app should be made which gives instant info on the empty seats.

TTE Corruption and Discretion – Key Issues

1. They take money from unreserved passengers and offer them seats
2. They sell vacant seats at high prices to needy passengers
3. TTEs take bribes and allow passengers to carry goods in passenger compartments
4. Many times they don’t give seats to RAC passengers but sell seats to non-ticket holders
5. They collect fines but do not give receipts
6. Many times they ask for money from RAC passengers to allot seats
7. TTEs take bribe to upgrade you to an upper class
8. TTEs allow daily passenger to board general compartment without ticket by taking a small bribe
9. They offer staff/VIP quota seats to passengers by taking bribes
10. TTEs allow passengers specially businessmen to travel in long distance trains during night time without ticket. In the morning they get tickets for the remaining portion of the journey and pocket the money. more  

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Presently the TTE's use Reservation Charts to determine Reservation against Passenger's ID. Propose to provide them with handheld Tablets with CRM installed based upon Reservation data. The connectivity for tablets may be derived via Railtel. With AAdhaar almost in place,if the Aadhaar # is captured during reservation, the CRM may access the fingerprint and retina scan to determine passenger ID alongwith the photograph. These tablets loaded with the CRM would also provide the Indian Railways to establish a direct interface with the on train Waitlisted passengers, queued through an SMS sent from their mobile to a window number eg 139, when boarding the train. This saves the passenger from running after the TTE's for confirmation of a berth against cancellation while the train is on the run. It is also reflected in the TTE's tablet which guides him to allot the confirmation of berth, against cancellation while on board, 'as per turn only', through FIFO/LIFO system. While boarding the train the Passenger is supposed to provide his/her location on train - compartment number and the TTE, if the Berth is 'confirmed by turn only', would send an SMS to the Passenger to guide him/her to his/her particular berth. This system would pinpoint the waitlisted passenger and at the same time would nullify any 'unholy nexus between the Passenger and any Railways official' in order to provide with an out of turn confirmation of berth. more  
We observe that there are many types of Waiting list. Cannot the Railways bring all into one type. It is very confusing and cumbersome for the layman to understand the different types of waiting list. Under RLWL/ PQWL booking is permitted but the chance of confirmation is 0%. Earlier only RAC and WL was present and it was fine. When vacancy due to cancellation or quota release arises, confirmation one first cum basis should be adopted. We also find that many tickets are confirmed under quota from the regular WL/RAC. Is it fare for the Railways to put their hands into the general quota of WL/RAC for favouring a few from their establishments and other Government establishments, especially recommendations of MLA / MPs.. more  
let the preference goes to the wait listed passengers.If TTE fails to comply then he should be terminated from services as these white ants are tarnishing the image of Indian Railway. more  
If the Tickets are cancelled in the last minutes it should be filled by the TTES in the next station and it must be reported to the controlling officer. Corruption is everywhere .It is the duty of the superiors to control everything. Mere discussion will not solove the problem. more  
When we book online ticket, we should know how much coaches of ac, slepper etc are going to attached to train and in general how many wait list ticket are going to clear as per last year same time statistics. more  
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