Unions of Railways opposing 7th pay comm

As it is 7th pay commission means a big tab for railways, like 28,000 crores. Despite that Railway Unions like AIRF, NFIR are opposing this. How much increase do they want beyond 23.5% and how is the Minister Board planning to deal with this?

http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report-railway-staffers-stand-firm-against-7th-pay-panel-2148643 more  

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All union leaders are highly corrupted . They always want that management as well as workers should bow in front of them . They get money from management & workers also . more  
I am attaching few thoughts to you. you may forwards those parts to concerned sections, please! 1. *Let us introduce papermoney / plastic money for passengers. This may do away with the situation “give change, take the thing if you have change”. Such kind is already in vogue for mtro travel, in some hotels as also food coupons. It leads to transparency in transaction. The other day a head skeleton of lizard was reported to be found in a packet meant for eating. Let the meal be simple and not of 5 star etc.* 2. *An average Indian travels 4 to 5 times. Railway debit card may be issued to willings. Collect say 5000/- at each tme booking money can be debited from that account. Money can be deposited any time without limit. An interest can be given to mony not used for a minimum of 3 months.* *That can be welcome step.* *3. **Additions * *A camera watch should be on C and D vending staff for their nefarious activity.* *Protection force should protect the interest of the passengers, who are mostly harassing the passengers. Ironically sayin can be police help is read as help police by giving some chores. Only licenced persons may stay inside the campus. Let them do the business. I repeat it is the police that is responsible in allowing goons and looter in the compartment.* *4. **Dear sirs,* *Unfortunately I have almost stopped travel by train especially in general bogies and ac bogies having AC II and ACIII. Further I try not to take food therein, so my observations may not be of much help.* *But general comment is. There can hardly be seen any upliftment in the catering services. * *All those plasa’s have become a place for non purchase of ticket. It sould not have outlet to entry point.* *There should be availability of Janata khana, but it is discouraged. It is a sorry affair.* *5. **I wonder how safely the officer flee (speed away) from their responsibility. The Transgenders are not of other country. If it is so why should we not make them serve at strategic points. Those can **be * *as security in ladies compartment,* *as vendors,* *driving auto riksha* *conductors of buss. If given opportunity for them in services, that can also be done. May be one congress can be arranged to get their views for capability and job (including kind of job). We cannot justify their presence.* *6. **I do not second / propose the idea of dynamic pricing.* *In stead I propose to do away with VIP quota. It produces wrong impression among the passengers. Those who is recommending the quota never travels by the class for which VIP / DRM etc quota is reserved / preserved. Does Mr Kapildeo travel by those classes dirty, sinky, untidy and unhuygenic classes. The railways had given him free pass to travel free all over India? (I heard it, no authenticity. It is not a case of Mr kapil deo but so many others are given such passes). But it gives favour to railway to issue the VIP quota to preffered persons and to the genuine on. For short terms profits, Railway should not indulged in.* *7. **Decentralisation of administration is more effective* *It is a good step. If beaurocracy takes objections they may be told to go while passing of tenders. Decentralizing decision making at the zone and division level by providing full powers to zones in regards to expenditure, reappropriation and sanction, subject to them meeting proportionate earnings targets should work well. The autonomous status is given to speed up the work not for shirking from duties and accountable. It may be emphasised. * *8. **When 5th pay commission was accepted, the PM was Hon. I P Gujral. He without many deliberations conceded. I thought he knew that in no case his Govt. will come to power. There is no surprise that the employees would demand as much as possible. But the inordinate increase in pay and perks has damaged. Nobody say ‘no’ to it. There should be simple reference index and accordingly pay should be fixed. The demand of one rank one pay might put further stress to it.* *9. **The cancellation is done due to unpredictable nature of the reservation system. So mostly for the wrongs with the railways, passenger does additional / extra reservations that may even be 3 or 4 too. * *Let me clarify no one knows if I am put at RL/WL 100 in sleeper class and another WL 3 in ACIII, which of these would confirm. Mostly none gets confirmed. But if it is done by agent both of these get confirmed.* *I do not like (many like me) reservation in ACII done from Balaghat to Delhi side by chhatisgarh express. It is so because the seats allotted are 11 and 12. These are side births. * *When senior citizen couple do reservation on first day it starts, seats allotted are middle and upper births. But if I do it as WL 3 & 4, on confirmation is on lower birth. What a pity?* *In Rajdhani, even ACIII WL1 also is not confirmed.* *Govt. rules hardly permit logical commitments.* On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Shikha Jain wrote: > more  
In our country, it is the organised labourers in Government, PSUs, state Government, Corporations etc who are getting their unjustified demands ceded by the authorities. If there is no acceptance they resort to strike etc.and get their demands conceded.Is there any employee who has thought about the performance and / or services rendered by him to the employer to the salary, perks etc already enjoyed by them? The inflation is further fueled by such moves. What about the private employees, entrepreneurs, agriculture farmers, small business persons etc. How are they facing the situation? They go for blackmarketing, hoarding, cartel the sales, sell sub- standard products etc. All this make a vicious spiral and again there is a pay rise to organised employees. There is no generation or productivity in the entire exercise. It is only deception and cheating the public. The money loses its purchasing power. It is suggested that reverse thinking to bring down the prices and avoid cheating and corruption is to be initiated, instead of giving increase to certain sections of society, causing imbalance in the economy. more  
Mr. Dinesh jain, let us not be jealous. There are several PSUs where employees enjoy better perks like ONGC, ioc, power grid to name a few. Pay commissions while finalising their recommendations do consider all factors. We should not sit in judgement about a particular industry. more  
Unions have job for collective bargaining. It will test the leadership how they handle it. Easiest will be to to give in to their demands and raise the fare partly directly partly by back door. This is what has always happened. Ultimately, all governments waste more money than they put to good use. This one is no different. At least I do not have any hope of betterment by improved efficiency. They may introduce bullet trains in another 50-100 years but regular mail and exp trains will die a slow death till people stop using them. more  
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