Vaccine Trials

Some vaccine supporter deleted my last post about how vaccine trials in Bhopal lacked transparency. But thanks to LocalCircles for reinstating

Here is video of Deepak Marawi’s wife and details of the story. Deepak died 9 days after the trial vaccine was given. He was 47 years old. I have absolutely nothing against vaccine makers. They just need to be transparent.

I hope that the Govt or this private hospital in Bhopal wont try to influence the post mortem as it will have direct bearing on vaccine. more  

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Vaccine is not insurance, but an assurance that it is a protective shield for the COVID 19. Hence, more experiments will improve the confidence of the people. more  
I said the same thing Jayakumar, Let the leaders lead the way. After all they are senior citizens too. Mr. Rao, why would not people declare what diseases they already have. it is for their own protection. People with allergies should be extra careful whilst taking the vaccine. Also adverse reports should be notified to the public. Lets be very transparent about this vaccine. more  
None will disclose/Certify Deseases already EXISTING. One per Family of Indian Population will be covered preventive Vaccine in 1st Two Phases itself. Hats off Planning rendered by ICMR IMA AND GOI . Hats off PM MODY. more  
Government need to ensure and satisfied about vaccine or Insurance of public before trail. more  
One thing we have to support the 2 Indigenously prepared vaccines Covisheild and Covaccine by Seerum Institute and Bharat Biotech. These 2 are temperature and supply chain compliant with that of Indian Conditions. Also the proce at which it is offered.The companies have also taken stupendous efforts with the assistance from ICMR and the Indian Government to come out with this in recoed time. These 2 companies and the Natio itself will stand to get benefited by saving valuable foreign exchange earned and saved. All the same, the opinions of Virologist from India need to be taken into consideration.There shouldn't be any element of doubt on the safety . In other words , there should be Clarity. We have amillion does ready now fo Vccination. IIt will be a bit better to complete the trials completely and then offer to people. All we now is some leaders as Volunteers to subject themselves for the trials ,so that the good work is utilized by the nation. - Jai Hind. more  
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