What should be the criteria for schools reopening from the next session starting between April and July 2021 in different parts of India?

This is a good survey everyone should vote on if they have children at home.

See latest research that suggests that children whether 3 ft apart in school or 6 ft apart it did not make much difference.

Graph illustrates that and also sharing detailed study I received from a friend in USA more  

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The USA where I live many states such as mine have opened schools at the start of the school years in 2020. The experience has shown that NO ONE has been harmed by school reopening. They also show that schools have no effects on Covid spread. Open the businesses and schools in India. Please stop following the junk science and stupid regulations as some of those teachers union thugs in Europe and USA. Closings, lockdowns are hurting the people we are trying to help. more  
Please follow the principle of "wait and watch" and take appropriate decision. more  
The school reopening of the remaining classes should be only after the summer vacation. By that time, it is expected that a campaign will be undertaken to vaccinate all teachers and support staff of all schools. Mask and social distancing of at least 1 m should be mandatory for the whole of 2021 more  
Here is a narration from todays news paper in Andhra pradesh, Kurnool district a school which opened and conducting classes found out 2 students are infected and total strength of school is 400, the action they took is closing down the school, god knows what happens to other students and the extent to which how many are infected and the spread they carried more  
However best practices are followed and implemented at schools, as long as there is strict supervision it may be allowed. But during lunch break or at play time, all children will mingle and share the same sport items and also may share their water bottles, spoons and food, and may not strictly follow the cough and sneeze etiquette which is a potential threat . In light of the above probability its not advisable to allow them attend the schools till at least majority of the school children parents/teachers, transport persons are vaccinated. more  
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