Why countries have given up on Aadhar like program

Please see attached. Leading developed countries have all given up on an aadhaar like program.

If GOI will push this through and esp link with all ids together, there needs to be a big discussion on how they will ensure high levels of security for the same. more  

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Aadhar becoming mandatory has nothing to do with privacy but related to tax evasions, benami properties, money laundering and corruption. Aaadhar being linked with PAN, bank accounts, property documents etc will catch all such instances as one can not fake biometrics. So people involved in such nefarious activities all crying hoarse about Aaadhar using false facade of privacy. I can not understand what is the issue if ones biometric details are with government and government assuring privacy, after all its not any intimate personal information. more  
Comparing with these countries is stupid. All the above countries have such surveillance programs that people will be terrified if they know the actual reality. They have surveillance over entire citizens in name of security. So please don't even think India is in that league. I would say, all eastern countries are better in that aspect. We have so much of personal freedom, that one can't even imagine in those countries. One will be scared to live in those countries. more  
GOI Cabinet Secretariat Rashtrapati Bhawan recently had vide No MISC/21/1/2017 dtd 15-6-2017 Urged to Link All Revenue matters related to Land/Immovable property to be linked to Aadhar Card by 14th August 2017. Such a short period is given to link, it has only given two months duration ( the circular has to reached all the departments and to the people will take two months and the necessary action to be implemented needs another two months minimum.) Such a fast Action shows the Importance of Aadhar Card. But its a good sign towards knowing the Status of Indians, but what about the SECURITY ASPECT. On one Number (Aadhar Card) any one can get all the relevant information about the Income, Property, Residential Address ... and what not of that person to any Strange - User. more  
Indian Telephones BSNL had the Address , name and number etc., since inception .
The Concealed Income and Properties of Individuals as well as Business Houses/Shops MADE INDIAN NATIONAL INCOME AND WEALTH FROM TAXES & DUTIES SWALLOWED at the cost of the general and poor public and the Nation itself .
Hence , some way out is to be thought at National interest as well as personal Security . more  
HOpefully BJP government knows about the implications and said no to adhar earlier BUt i think congress government might have convinced BJP about the advantage to both government and corporates about adhaar and is serious of implementing more  
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