MTNL 0 000
1.78 / 5 27 Reviews
New Delhi
Very bad experience
Very bad service. I have both a landline connection and a broadband. Most of the time the phone is out of order and wifi is irregular. Complaints are not attended and we have to chase them. But the bill is always above Rs 900. If we do not pay on time the service is promptly disconnected.
Just average service quality. internet speed is too slow. disturbance in landline phone calls.
I have a prepaid mobile and land line connection from MTNL. Of late the connectivity of internet is very poor. The workmen and engineers are kind and helpful but they are not able to do much in the absence of latest equipment. However they do not have competitive spirit and do not compete with other operators either in service or in improving technically. It appears that the top management culture is very poor and they do not bother about improving the operation. Even BSNL is taking steps to improve and compete.
It is advisable tomerge MTNL with BSNL and offer VRS to all employees who are more than 50 years old and do not know any thing technically. One good thing is the charges/tariff is low when compared to other operators and there is a wide scope to increase their revenue. Based on the increased revenue earning model, the equipments are to be modernised and whole system can very well perform outstandingly.

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